quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014

Official #PS4share Gameplay Trailer

Thief analysis :

I've highlighted the Xbox One the problems comparatively to the Ps4. (Click on the Pictures)

PlayStation 4

Xbox One

None of these images were altered.

I have to add that the Xbox One version of the game has deep crushed black colours (Crushed blacks) on it, Ps4 has clear "whitened" image, equal to PC on max settings.

PC clearly is the best version, and Ps4 the best version among consoles.

sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014

The XboxOne defense force in Xbox official media.

I've notice quite a while that the only websites defending the Xbox capabilities is OXM (official Xbox magazine) itself. And not any other big news website. Sadly every time any other developer speaks on the Esram is always referred as bottleneck. At OXM they don't even bother saying that XboxOne outperforms the Ps4 but they only mention parity among the 2. I wonder why the GPU isn't referred on these interviews, perhaps because you can't spin that off... I know it's their work but, regardless, the urge to defend XboxOne is pathetic.

To be honest Esram can do better than Ps4's memory topic is ridiculous. Esram is not complex, it take time to work, the peek memory is around 200 gbs/s but dosen't tell the whole story, not all the memory can be catapulted into the Esram and not all the assets can target the peek memory. And the most importantly XboxOne memory, is not stable ! The reason why Forza 5 could achieve 1080p/60 simply is because the game isn't demanding, the game's virtual memory must not take that much place, and simply fits on the DDR3 part of it. That has a peek and stable memory of 60 gbs/s. Not to mention the scandal of the massive downgrade that this game got !

Take a look :

(Click on the images)

What they've shown on national television !

The reality :

- 2D crowd models
- Severly downgrade building
- Reduced lighting

More examples :

Above (The original)
Below (The reality)

- Less lighting
- Horrible tree models 

Puff...this is called misleading advertising !

Let's talk about good things, as for the Ps4's GDDR5 all the memory can run at that 176 gbs/s, the memory is stable and the only downside is the amount energy (voltage) required to make this memory work. There are no bottlenecks here, is super easy to use, but hard to master.

But why did Sony used this memory and not Microsoft ?

When Ps4 was unveiled in february 2013 it had a 4gbs GDDR5 memory inside, which would dictate the lowest quality multi-plats on the upcoming next gen. During the upcoming months until E3, we had access to both devkits, it was no brainer (regard less of the most powerful gpu) that Ps4 was indeed the weakest machine, and it would be an weight on XboxOne development. During the precent months the 8gbs GDDR5 version of it, has become available, Sony took the chance, and now they have the most console on the market. We were quite surprise during E3, to be honest, in the upcoming months we finalized the game (not going to mention this sorry) in new devkits, AMEN BABY.

What do you think of this ?
Share your opinion on comments below !

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014

MisterX's new joke.

According to MisterX, Microsoft is holding "stereo drivers" that will unlock Xbox One full potential. This will not be available until 2017  when more people will have 4k T.Vs. According to MisterX and  MisterCteam of course. This will make time for MisterX to find more theories.

I shall remember all that MisterX is yet to give an answer on 100k poly 'scandal' on #TheOrder1886. But I'm certain that MisterX will be make sure that it's a lie is insider will confirm it. Also MisterPathetic will point out the brainwash that Sony fanboys have.

Talk about brainwash... Hypocrite.

What a gorgeous design huh ?

Be aware Xbitch believing MisterX lies. 

quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014

Metal Gear Solid V : Ground Zeroes uncompressed gameplay video here. Ps4 clearly the better version.

See here !
The Order :1886 has characters with 100K polygons.

Andrea Pessino confirmed on twitter through twitter that mains characters are over 100k polygons ! Crazy Stuff !

See here !

quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014

Metal Gear Solid V : Ground Zeroes PS4 vs Xbox One comparison

Here at the C_0guy blog we did a deep analysis between the next gen versions of the new upcoming Metal Gear Solid V : Ground Zeros. The comparison was made using the IGN video.

Ps4 version is running at the resolution of 1920x1080 which translates to 2073600 pixels displayed on screen, Xbox One version is running at the resolution 1280x720 which translates into 921600 pixels being displayed. Be aware that the Ps4 version of the game also has the dynamic weather something that the Xbox one version is missing.

The PS4 version of the game is clearly the graphically better.
Why do people follow MisterX ?

Let's get the facts right. MisterX never got anything right. Not even a single prediction. But why do people follow him ? The answer is simple. It's easy to believe in something you want to be true. Regardless of being true or not, MisterX tells his "subjects" want they want to hear ,and sadly, they listen. He tells them a bunch of technical nonsense that they can't understand, not even himself, I'm referring of course about ,the fake and bullish, amazing power that Xbox One has inside it. He promises a lot , and he never delivered.

But the real question is, why his "believers" don't ask questions ?

Why "MisterCteam" never became a mainstream insider(s) ?

Why multi-plats are always inferior on the Fartbox One ?

Uhm... I wonder.

I think I have the answer. after the second GPU rumour was revealed as fake, he went on another. That Xbox will be able access 4TF of power in 2017, due real power being locked. Yes they believe in this.

But above his journal is meeting place for Xbitches unite. And mock everything that Ps4 can do, because they know that on any other place they be would be mocked, its a comfort place to sad people that can't accept the reality that matters, sad,sad,sad. And if you question MisterX reliability, you simply get yourself banned. Like myself. Resuming, MisterX is a cultist that is fooling the minds of 13 year old children into believe in things that simply ain't real.


segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2014

A game that everyone is looking forward

The Order : 1886

Developed by : Ready at Dawn
Published by : SCE

Recently some buzz has appeared due the resolution of The Order:1886 not being 1080p. Fear not you Sony Fanboy cuz I have something that will make the Xbox Fanboy tremble, shake and tremble or even drawn on his own ignorance.

Why The Order: 1886 is 1080p and not 800p from Kotaku

Kotaku did a very good job explaining why the game is in fact 1080p here are some excerpts :

In-Depth Explanation:

Ryse runs at a resolution of 1600x900 (which maintains an HDTV's aspect ratio of 1.78:1 - or 16:9). The Order: 1886 will be presented at 1920x800 (which is the CINEMATIC aspect ratio of 2.40:1). At this aspect ratio, you would need a screen resolution of 2592x1080 to avoid the black bars.

Simplistic Explanation:

The game renders an image of 1920x1080, just 280 horizontal lines are black. For comparisons sake, lets use Forza 5, a full 1080p game. Now if were to tape two black rectangles at the top and botton of our TV screens, you would now be seeing Forza 5 in 1920x800. The picture left displayed is still a 1080p image, the only difference is now only 800 horizontal lines of pixels are visible. Resolution is measured in pixel density, and The Order may have a display ratio of 1920x800, but keeps the same pixel density as a 1920x1080 resolution.


It has also been stated by the developers, and more importantly the founder of ReadyAtDawnthat The Order was chosen to run this way to include 4xMSAA. Also quoted by Andrea Pessino, "4xMSAA which looks spectacular! x800 with AA looks MUCH better than x1080 without" and "x800 with 4xMSAA needs more bandwidth than x1080 would, so 1080 no MS would be cheaper." Also note Andrea confirmed that the game will run at a frame rate of 30fps

Resuming : They opted the resolution of 1920x800p in order to add Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing MSAA. But at core the game still is 1080p, since the width still is 1920 (obvious)  A develloper technique that softens the edge of 3D models but take a heavy it on FPS. This is a very rough explanations but I think getting into detail is purely stupid.

Lets compare now two games ( I now its not a fair comparison, but since the "in-game" trailer was showed at E3 I think I should make it)

Ryse, Pre-Rendered Cutscene.

The Order, In game footage. 


The Order : 1886 looks amazing, running at higher resolution, applying 4xmsaa (I'm unaware if Ryse applied any much demanding AA technique) and above all and everything it is in-game. Nonetheless Ryse still looks great in game, but the Order 1866 simply shows what the console can do. That extra GPU, and faster+stable that can stream all type of memories a the same time,  pays off.

But accordingly to MisterX and the MisterCteam the DDR3 X1 is 4x times more powerfull than the Ps4. Who knows, maybe in soviet Russia X1 beats the Ps4.

domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2014

What is wrong with MisterXmedia ?

 A few months ago I stumbled crossed a blog whose proprietor a strange fellow named MisterX, at first I though it was some kind of underdog/insider news that delivered and criticized made fun the demagogy of the gaming world.
 Weeks went by, and I find out that MisterX, was simply a typical delusional fanboy that supposedly with his insiders "MisterCteam" uncovered the true potential of the X1. The problem is that from all is founded rumors not a single, apart from the most ambiguous, were real , not a single...


5 - Xbox ONE has second GPU.    - Proven False

One of those rumors that stick around.
He admitted defeat in this case, though he still couldn't believe that X1 without this allegoric GPU, could possibly run RYSE, affirming that RYSE was simply the best looking game ever.

What he couldn't explain was why Forza was severely downgraded in order to run on the X1. From downgraded lighting, building, etc. Oh and the classical cardboard crowd. Though he briefly mentioned it, this downgrade was something that went very smoothly.    

4 - Ps4 has 70 % rate failure. - WTF.

I just, what ?! He took the initial week and what the social media, to make this statement. And... I...  whatever...

3 - N4G is a Sony website.

Accordingly to mister X the popular gaming news website N4G, gets his moderators payed in order making it a a Sony pro site. Oh and also NEOGAF, as long there's a website were an agglomeration of PlayStation players exist, sony is paying them.  LOL 

2 -  Playstation uses cheap methods to achieve higher resolutions and fps.

Apparently, accordingly to mister X, PlayStation only achieves what it achieves by adding (in a general consensus) fog, lots and lots of fog, everywhere. He uses a very known expression in order to justify all this Smoke and Mirrors.

1 - All the rest.

Everyday is a new theory, a new scheme, a new "complot" from Sony in order to brainwash the poor minds of gamer. 

Oh I forgot the best of the best ! X1 has a 4 Teraflop GPU ! And its a machine from 2014, despite being released in 2013.

Not a single multi-plat game from X1 was better than Ps4's, and on every release wave, he refresh the hope of their "followers" by saying that next time X1 will have way better multi-plats, because its more powerful. He already claimed victory 3 times now. Despite never mentioning that every release wave Ps4 are/were/ will be more powerful with better looking game than the X1 

The point I'm trying to make here, is that this "Insider" or insider representative never got anything right. He pretend he knows everything about everything you can ask him anything that he will answer you. From "Is nintendo Fusion real ?" to " Why The order dosen't have multi-player ?". He is not an insider, he is a SUPAH OMNI-PRESENT INSIDER. Seriously I find sad that he actually has die-hard followers defending him and spreading his word.

If you actually think that what he says is real, make sure to comment below :D

quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2014

Why Rise's main character polygon count isn't impressive.

Initially Ryse was announced that for the main character would have 150k polygons being rendered. Which would made this character  Marius Titus "look like" ( and retain this please) the most detailed (spectacular) character ever conceived. And yes Marius Titus, as the other NPC's in this type of game , action-adventure, the main character has always more polys than others.

But the problem is: The Xbox couldn't handle all these polys, so, they had to undercut all this magnificent polycount substantially.  .

From this to :


There won't be any problem in this if Critek (the game developer) hadn't put that much emphasis on this. The point is they've announced that this would be happenning on THE X1.

Technically speaking this happened:

Millions of polygons.

Not so many millions.

Regardless, the final Ryse ended up looking better, better textures could be applied, lighting etc. but this last build wasn't so demanding as the first one. Otherwise the X1 couldn't handle this game at those very unstable "30" FPS at those not so certain 900p (see my last post).

It would be interesting to see 150k poly Marius with the new textures and lighting and on a high end PC. This difference wouldn't be noticeable if character wasn't in motion. 

So why isn't this impressive ?

So why isn't this impressive ? From technical stand point polycount don't doesn't say anything about power. For instance last gen games ( of the same genre) such as : UNCHARTED 2 had around half the polygons on Nathan Drake. around 35k to exact. And supposedly last is 10 times less powerful than new gen. Not to mention UC3 or even TLOU.

Other examples:

Uncharted 1 (NATHAN)- 30,000 polys
Uncharted 2 (NATHAN)- 35,000 polys     
God of War 3- (KRATOS)20,000 polys    Eurogamer article 
Gears of War 1- (MARCUS) 15,000 polys
Credit goes to  osamanobama (http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/)

GT5 prologue for instance had 200k cars models (inside and outside).

Next time you 12 year old Xbox fanboy argues with you about RYSE,  show him this.

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2014

Why Xbox ONE is weaker than PS4 ? 

Apart from the hardware differences that everyone is aware by now, Ps4 has other aspects than most gamers aren't even aware. The easiness that console gives in terms "putting the game in the console" (porting) is vastly coincident with what third party developers have been saying about the console. The unified memory makes super easy for indie devs to port the games to the console without kind of optimization. I know it I tried it myself. Of course that game the shouldn't be much demanding otherwise some optimization must be needed. I'm talking about Don't starve, Minecraft, etc. Pools united make different type of memory runs all at the same time. So you can put the lighting and the far distance rendering when you approach it at the same time. 

"The PlayStation 4 uses a processor developed by AMD in cooperation with Sony. It combines a central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU), as well as other components such as a memory controller and video decoder.[37] The CPU consists of two quad-core Jaguar modules totaling 8 x86-64 cores.[37][38] The GPU consists of 18 compute units to produce a theoretical peak performance of 1.84 TFLOPS.[31] The system's GDDR5 memory is capable of running at a maximum clock frequency of 2.75 GHz (5500 MT/s) and has a maximum memory bandwidth of 176 GB/s.[31][39][40] The console contains 8 GB of GDDR5 memory,[31][41] 16 times the amount of RAM found in the PS3 and is expected to give the console considerable longevity.[34][42] It also includes secondary custom chips that handle tasks associated with downloading, uploading, and social gameplay.[43][44] These tasks can be handled seamlessly in the background during gameplay or while the system is in sleep mode.[45] The console also contains an audio module, which can support in-game chat as well as "a very large number" of audio streams for use in-game.[46]
Its read-only optical drive is capable of reading Blu-ray Discs at speeds of up to three times that of the PS3's.[42][47] The console features a hardware on-the-fly decompression module boosting optical disc reading speed and buffer unread data when a game is not actively accessing the optical drive, forming part of Sony's PlayGo strategy.[46] Like the PlayStation 3, the Blu-ray Disc drive should be capable of reading 16-layer 400 GB discs.[48] Although the console supports photos and videos at 4K resolution, the system is not expected to be able to render games beyond 1080p.[49][50] The console includes a 500 gigabyte hard drive for additional storage,[51] which can be upgraded by the user.[52]
The PlayStation 4 features WiFi and Ethernet connectivity, Bluetooth, and two USB 3.0 ports.[31][42] An auxiliary port is also be included for connection to the PlayStation Camera, a motion detection digital camera device first introduced on the PS3.[31] A mono headset, which can be plugged into the DualShock 4, is bundled with the system.[53] Audio/video output options include HDMI TV and optical S/PDIF audio.[31] The console does not have an analogaudio/video output.[54]
Although not available on the system at launch,[55] the PS4 features a "Suspend mode" feature. This places the console in a low-power state, while allowing users to immediately resume their game once the console is awoken. The console also is able to download content such as game and OS updates while it is in this state."

Taken from wikipedia

 (Continues in the next post.) What really is this GDDR5 memory and what about the ESram ?

Common mistakes among gamers :  

900p is more demanding than 800p.

No, well yes, I'm here to talk about the buzz that is going around Ryse and The Order: 1886, there something that is really bugging is the lack of knowledge of the gaming community.

Ryse is 1600x900p

The Order 1886 is 1920x800p

If you make the calculations Ryse has 144000 on screen while The Order has 1886 has 1536000 pixels on screen. And this is what matters. So technically the 900p on Ryse aren't right, but there are some gamers, gaming journalist, Microsoft and Critek executives that forgot to mention this small (completely unimportant) detail. 

WuT ?

Game developers may completely be unaware of specs.

Well yes, Devkits don't have written on them the exactitude of specs, like : And entire environment + explosions are being rendered, there isn't a box saying 900 gflops are being used. What we have is an indicator (like statistics) of what the hardware can hold, like FPS count, bandwith size, etc. These are the aspects that can compare the difference on power bet ween the two consoles.

(See tomorrow for update)

On the next post I will compare and explain some rendering methods and tricks that can make a game "look" 3x better while using the exact same hardware performance. I will show why MS executives are being so demagogic towards Sony, and explain why 75k poly character on this gen isn't necessarly impressiive. 

Add: me on twitter C_0guy