quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2014

Why Rise's main character polygon count isn't impressive.

Initially Ryse was announced that for the main character would have 150k polygons being rendered. Which would made this character  Marius Titus "look like" ( and retain this please) the most detailed (spectacular) character ever conceived. And yes Marius Titus, as the other NPC's in this type of game , action-adventure, the main character has always more polys than others.

But the problem is: The Xbox couldn't handle all these polys, so, they had to undercut all this magnificent polycount substantially.  .

From this to :


There won't be any problem in this if Critek (the game developer) hadn't put that much emphasis on this. The point is they've announced that this would be happenning on THE X1.

Technically speaking this happened:

Millions of polygons.

Not so many millions.

Regardless, the final Ryse ended up looking better, better textures could be applied, lighting etc. but this last build wasn't so demanding as the first one. Otherwise the X1 couldn't handle this game at those very unstable "30" FPS at those not so certain 900p (see my last post).

It would be interesting to see 150k poly Marius with the new textures and lighting and on a high end PC. This difference wouldn't be noticeable if character wasn't in motion. 

So why isn't this impressive ?

So why isn't this impressive ? From technical stand point polycount don't doesn't say anything about power. For instance last gen games ( of the same genre) such as : UNCHARTED 2 had around half the polygons on Nathan Drake. around 35k to exact. And supposedly last is 10 times less powerful than new gen. Not to mention UC3 or even TLOU.

Other examples:

Uncharted 1 (NATHAN)- 30,000 polys
Uncharted 2 (NATHAN)- 35,000 polys     
God of War 3- (KRATOS)20,000 polys    Eurogamer article 
Gears of War 1- (MARCUS) 15,000 polys
Credit goes to  osamanobama (http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/)

GT5 prologue for instance had 200k cars models (inside and outside).

Next time you 12 year old Xbox fanboy argues with you about RYSE,  show him this.

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